Thursday, June 19, 2014

Teach Me Thursday: How to Print on Lunch Bags!

Happy Teach Me Thursday to all!  

I'm so excited to show you this tutorial on this Teach Me Thursday!  
You may have seen this on Pinterest; I spotted it and didn't really believe it was possible until I tried it... 

So what do you think?  Is this something you think you can use?  I'd love to know your ideas of what occasions you might use printed bags for... I'm a firm believer in teacher's sharing ideas with each other, especially if OUR students are benefiting from it.  So with that said, I can't wait for you to tell me new ideas for printing on bags!  
Happy day to you all,


  1. What a super tutorial - I've hand stamped lunch bags before for end of term gifts so this will save me so much time in the future. Thanks so much for sharing :)
    Special Teaching at Pempi's Palace

  2. You're so welcome Pempi! That's a great idea for end-of-the-year gifts! And by the way, I'm a cat lover too! Thanks for visiting and I hope you're enjoying your Summer, Cara;0)

  3. This is an awesome idea that I've never seen before. Thanks for sharing, but I may use this idea more for personal use than in the classroom.

    1. Hello Maureen! Yes, I agree...I probably will use this more for personal use than in the classroom. Especially around holidays, like Christmas. Or for birthdays maybe? This might be a cute way to wrap a child's birthday present! Thanks for your comments, Cara;)

  4. Glad to have found you blog. It is super pretty! I love the purple! Love the idea of printing on the bags too! I will have to use this idea for open house! I think it will be here before we know it! Thanks again!

    1. Thanks so much for the compliments! I love the purple different for a blog, but I love it! What a perfect idea for open house! Thanks for commenting and visiting Mrs. K; enjoy your summer while you can, Cara;)

  5. That is so cool, I definitely need to try it!! Thanks Cara!
