Saturday, July 5, 2014

Caring Bloggers Needed: Share the Love Sunday

Happy Sunday to you all!  I'm so excited to share with you the opportunity to be part of my new linky:  Share the Love Sunday!  Participating is easy:
1.  Choose your favorite post from the past week.  It can be about ANYTHING, not necessarily education.  Crafts, recipes, bright ideas...All posts welcome!
2.  Link up here on Creative Playground, using this button:
Make sure to link back to this post!  Link up to your own post not your blog home page.
3.  Use the "Rule of 3":  Comment on AT LEAST three posts in the link up.  One rule of thumb is to comment on two posts ahead of you and one after.
4.  Come back next week to link up again!

The purpose of this link up is to do just as the title link up and then comment on others' blogs, sharing the love!  It's proven that by participating in blog hops/link parties your blog presence and number of views to your blog increases.  So let's start sharing some love this Sunday and you go find your favorite post and link up below:


  1. Hi Cara! I'm new to the blogging world and found your blog through Farley's Currently this month! I'm pretty low in the blogging world and would love to make new teacher friends. I wanted to check with you before linking up! I hope you won't mind if I do!

  2. Hello Brittany! I'd be more than happy to have you as a new blogging friend! So yes, please link up. I just started blogging myself and have met so many wonderful friends already. Welcome Brittany!

  3. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog today, Cara! It made my heart happy! Looking forward to linking up next week!
