Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Half-Way There Back-to-School Giveaway

Back-to-School is right around the corner for most of us... Some of us have to go back in August, while my district doesn't start until September!  Nonetheless, I'd like to celebrate? this time of the year for us educators by holding a HUGE giveaway!  
I've asked some of my wonderful blogging friends to donate some of their most-loved products for Back-to-School, and you'll see all of them below.  There are products from 23, yes, 23 talented teacher-authors and clip artists!  Wow!  What a way to celebrate "Half-Way There" to Back-to-School, right? 

Check out these exciting products you have the chance to win:

And there's more...

We're not done yet...

What?  There's even more?
 Three winners will be chosen and the Half-Way There giveaway runs until Friday.  So enter today and good luck to you all!

The beautiful apple graphics are from my talented friend, A Little Peace of Africa!  Visit them on TpT for more wonderful clip art.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a super give-away, Cara. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
    Special Teaching at Pempi's Palace

  2. Thanks so much for visiting Pempi! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too;) Have a wonderful day friend, Cara;)
