Sunday, July 20, 2014

Messy Desk Organization Day 2 & Halloween Kids

Day 2 here of Messy Desk Organization!  
One reason why students have messy desks is because they don't know what a clean desk even LOOKS like!  So of course they can't keep one if they don't even know what it is!  A way I curb this deficit of knowledge is to teach them how to keep a clean desk and show them exactly what I'm expecting in a clean desk.  I will draw an open desk on the board and show them ways to organize all their materials with a visual representation of their desk.  With the majority of our students being visual learners, just telling them where to put things won't cut it.  You'll have to show them what a clean desk looks like and where to put things to make it organized.  Our picture of organized might be vastly different from theirs so let's get them on our page by showing them what we mean by organized.
I've created these two printables to assist you in this clean desk endeavor!  The first asks the students to list all the materials they will have in their desk.  It looks like this:
Next, you'll need to have them play around with how to place these items in their desk.  The next printable will assist with that.  Have them draw the items they listed on this sheet with a graphic of an open desk.

Now at least they might have an idea of what you expect and what a clean and organized desk might look like!  I hope these printables help to keep your classrooms' desks look sparkly clean.  I'd love to hear if they will help!

For those of you that create products for yourselves or others, I've created a new graphic set, Halloween Kids 2.  It's full of kiddos dressed for Trick-or-Treating!  The images are PNG images and the line art graphics are included too!
Here are the images included:

They are available in my store for 48 hours at half off for only $1.75!!!  Wow, can't beat that.  So head on over to my TpT Store here and grab them at this awesome price!

And lastly, make sure to link up today for Sunday's Share the Love Linky Party in the earlier post today, below.  You can link up any of your favorite posts from this past week for everyone to check out.  Then you'll need to comment on at least three other posts to "Share the Love". 

Happy Day to You,

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