Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Messy Desk Police

This week we've been exploring ways to keep our kiddos on top of keeping their desks clean.  Today I have another method that seems to work if the more positive method we learned about yesterday doesn't work!
 Most of the time, I will hand these out at the same time as the Clean Desk Fairy Coupons, so at least everyone has something on their desk.  I feel bad some days...But not all the time!  I have to keep telling myself that we, as teachers, are for some of our students the only "mothers" they will have.  So if I have to teach them how to keep organized then so be it.  It will make my life easier in the long run; spending the last day of school with two garbage bags cleaning out desks could be avoided if some students kept up on their desks being organized!

Below are some more tickets you can use for those desks that are not up to your clean standards and need to have a warning from the Dirty Desk Police!  Copy them out on bright blue or red paper for a dramatic effect.  I sometimes even make them stay in at recess to clean it up to my liking.  OOOWWEEEE, you're in trouble if you get a ticket!

Click Here to Download These Tickets!

Both these graphic sets are on sale for the final day today...And at half-off each, you can't beat that deal!  So snag up the Halloween Kids 2 and the Go Fish Kids by clicking the links.

I hope you're all having a wonderful day!


  1. I LOVE your clean desk tickets, those are so adorable!! Your graphics are amazing, too. So bright and colorful!! Thanks so much for sharing!! So glad I got to meet you through the linky!!

    Warmest Wishes,

    1. Erin, thanks so much for the compliments. That really means a lot to me as a new Blogger! Have a wonderful day and come back soon, Cara;)

  2. I love these. Especially with my students leaving their desk messy these will be so helpful

    1. I know right? Those darn messy-desk students! Thanks for visiting Savvy and see you again soon, Cara;)

  3. These are so great and just what I needed! Can't wait to use them in my classroom this year. Thanks again for this awesome freebie! TeacherMsH~ThirdIstheWord

  4. Julie, thanks so much for the love! I'm glad I could help you out,
    Cara Creative Playground
