Saturday, August 9, 2014

SLANT Box Love Sunday

Recently, I participated in Lessons with Coffee's SLANT Box Exchange and had an awesome time!  SLANT stands for Sending Love Across the Nation to Teachers and the purpose is to send a box of goodies to a teacher that you're paired up with that lives somewhere in the nation.  

This month I was graciously paired up with Abbey from A Teacher Mom.  I was so giddy when I got her box in the mail.  I was like a child on Christmas morning!
This month's theme was "Sunshine" and these are the goodies that Abbey sent me!

I was so happy to get these wonderful gifts from Abbey with a sweet note attached.  I'd like to thank her form the bottom of my heart for sending me some love this month and I really appreciate the time she took to be my partner!

Tomorrow, I'll show you what I sent my partner Paula, for Monday Made-It.  She hasn't gotten it yet, so don't look Paula if you're reading!

Later friends,

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