Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kinder Math Journal & September Currently

Hello friends!  It's so nice to be able to share with you today; I have so many things going on my mind is in a whirlwind.  I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (I just love my sequinned shoes...)
I've been working on and have finished a lot of cool products I'd love to share with you, but I don't want to overload you with them.  Don't you hate to read a blog and it's all about their products?  So when I started this blog, I promised myself that I wouldn't do that to my readers; if I post about a product, please know that I will keep it at a minimum because I know that's probably not why you're entirely here.
This morning I finished a fun product for Kinders and Firsties...a Math Journal!  I just loved creating it and hope others will love it too!
 Here are two pages from the 20-paged journal.  The pages have 2 word problems each, which can be done both together in one day or separately.  It's all up to you and how much time you might have during the day.  The journal does spiral with topics, ranging from counting, to patterns, to addition & subtraction. 

I'm going to make three editions, Fall, Winter, and Spring.  I'd love for you to check it out, while it's half off for the next 48 hours!  You can view it here.

Ok, now for September's Currently Link Up!  I'm joining in on the fun from Farley's Currently Party.  Here's what's currently on my mind...

Listening:  My Son Garyn is a Scooby-Do fanatic!  He loves everything Scooby and just got the new movie, Frankencreepy.  He's watched it about 6 times in two days and is not stopping his Scooby Marathon.  So I've been listening to that for the past hour or so.

Loving:  I was just thinking about how I love everything that is creative.  By that I mean, art, drawing, colors, new ideas, and everything that's artsy-fartsy.  I was so happy the other day when my Son created a masterpiece out of a few pieces of paper.  I wasn't happy with the creation really, but the fact that he was so creative in making it.  I really try to do that as a teacher also; I strive to bring out the creativity in my students because it really can be so beneficial for you in so many ways!

Thinking:  My Son has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism.  Each week we travel about 50 miles from our home to attend his Music Therapy session.  If you've never heard of Music Therapy, I strongly urge you to look into it, especially if you have a special needs child or student in your life.  The basis of Music Therapy is that the therapists work on your child's IEPC goals (Special Education Goals) but they do it through music.  So for example, one of Garyn's goals on his IEP is for him to do better with the W Questions (when, where, why, etc.)  So in therapy, they are making up a song about my Son's life and putting it to music on a program on my Son's iPad.  Music Therapy is awesome, especially if you have a musically inclined child like my Son.

Wanting:  I'm so hungry right now.  I really want to go to Taco Bell (my fav restaurant) and order my usual...a Cheesy Roll-Up and add Beef.  Yummy!

Needing:  Lindsay, I still need to mail your SLANT box package.  I got bogged down and just need to package up your goodies and take it to the post office.  Thanks for being understanding friend!

3 Trips:  I would just LOVE to travel to Hawaii and Africa, just to see the sights and enjoy the heat.  I live in Michigan and HATE our Winters.  So anywhere with bright sun is a plus for me!  My Son is dying to go to Disney World, and we plan on traveling there next year.

Thanks friends for listening to me and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Your Friend,


  1. Girl, let's go to Hawaii together :) Found your blog through Farley's link up! I am loving that journal too- wish I taught kindergarten!!

    1. We're there! Thanks for visiting and commenting Amanda! Your friend, Cara;)

  2. I too love all things creative. I whole heartedly agree that music has a way of speaking to children and can really make a big difference. So glad that it is beneficial for your son. Hawaii is wonderful, I was there 22 years ago, I am sure it is a bit different now...lol. I don't know how you survive those winters I couldn't do it. I am not a snow girl! Have a great week friend.

    Luv My Kinders

    1. Hello Laura! I wish I could be wisked there by my genie in a bottle, like right now! I'm dreading the winter coming up; hoping it's nothing like the one we just had. Thanks for visiting and hope your week is awesome as well. Cara;)
