Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Fun Write and Thanksgiving Graphics!

TGIF to you and yours!  I'm happy to be blessed on this Friday morning and hope this reaches all of you in high spirits!  Last week was the first week of my Friday Linky Party:  Friday Fun Writes!
Here's how it works:
Ever have those days that you KNOW you need to post on your blog, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time?  Viola!  The Friday Fun Write!  Participating is easy... I will post a new word each Friday.  Think about the word for a few seconds and just start typing.  Continue with your thoughts to screen for 5 minutes and you're almost done!  Make sure to add the Friday Fun Write button to your post and link it back to this post on my blog.  Then sign up through the linky party button and you're all set!  A quick, easy way to get a post out there without taking too much effort and time!

Ok, here's today's word:

 I want you to look at your computer right now... If you're anything like me, you have about 3-5 tabs open of different things.  Activities, products, web sites, anything education and life.  Sound familiar?  I chose the word PRIORITY because some have asked me in the past how I do it all.  If you follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers especially, you know that I post a lot of products.  Currently I have over 400 products I think.  Too many to count!  How do I get all that done?  I have to prioritize what is important and what isn't and order it in that manner.  BUT, that is NOT easy for me!  I have to constantly remind myself to keep focused and finish what needs to be at that time.  Like for instance, currently I need to prioritize what I need to finish because I have about 4 different products going on right now:  Thanksgiving, Winter, Fire Safety, and Reading Comprehension.  Whoa!  Try to keep all that straight.  Let me tell you why I have so many going on at once... I get bored very easily.  And after an hour of Thanksgiving, I get bored and need to move onto something else.  So even though I have a gazillion tabs open on my computer, they are prioritized in my mind's computer by what needs to be finished first.  So that's my take on this week's word, priority.

See that wasn't too bad!  So think about the word and just type what comes to mind.  I'd so love for you to join in my link this week!  

Here's the button to include in your post:
One of the things I had to prioritize this week was a new graphic set, Thanksgiving Native Americans.  I so loved making this set, especially the Dream Catcher.  These will be half off in my TpT Store for the next 48 hours, so grab them quick here!
Here's a look at the 14 images included in the set (7 line art and 7 png):

Have a great weekend and don't forget to join in the linky party below!


  1. I still think you have actually succeed in cloning yourself Cara because I just don't know how you manage to produce so many great and wonderfully drawn products, be a mum to a little one and write and share on your blog!!! As you will see from my blog post on your linky I am working on it but I have a long way to go :-) Have a super weekend with Garyn and take some time off!

  2. Thanks so, so much for joining in friend! I really appreciate it! Sometimes I don't know how I do it all either. Not much sleep on some nights...I work best when Garyn is sleeping and I have the "house" to myself! Thanks for visiting, Cara;)
