Friday, September 19, 2014

New Collaborative Blog Soon!

Hello friends!  I'm so glad to be with you today!  How has life been treating you?  I've been so busy it seems like with... life. period. Isn't it funny how sometimes we can get so caught up in what seems like everything, that it's too hard to just focus on one thing or another for just a minute?  That's what I feel like at this moment!  Do you ever feel that way?  Or am I alone on that one?

Today is Friday!  So that means it's time for...

Friday Fun Write is very fun and simple!  I will give you a word at random and think about it for a few minutes and just write!  Not for a long time, five minutes or so, and there you are!  You've gotten in a blog post for the day and you're done if you choose!  And with that I have some wonderful news to share with you, that I'm not sure if I'm even able to share yet.  So don't tell anyone I told you!  But some blogging friends and I are soon launching a new blog, called Ladies with Class! 

 So today's word is  

I'm so, so excited to be able to collaborate with my "ladies" that I just can't wait!  Right now, we're in the process of setting up the blog; I designed it and I'm so happy with what I came up with.  I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I'll just say it has a lot of glitter!  You know how I love my bling!
But back to today's word, collaborate.  I'm happy that I have the chance to collaborate with people that have some of the same goals, missions, passions, and loves, especially for education.  It's always nice to have someone in your corner to lean on when needed.  Especially someone that understands where you're coming from.  So to be able to collaborate on this blog with some ladies that feel a lot of the same ways that I do, is very meaningful to me.  I just can't wait to share with you when we'll be live with our new blog, "Ladies with Class"!

There's my Friday Fun Write for this week and I'd just LOVE for you to join up with me and participate in this linky.  All you need to do is write about the word for the week (collaborate) and what it means to you.  Then grab the button below, place it on your post and link it back here on Creative Playground.  Link up with the linky button below and your good to go!  Here's the link up button for you to use...
Have a Wonderful Weekend!


  1. Hi Cara, I thought I'd let you know I have just posted a Halloween freebie using one of your lovely fonts so there is a shout out to you on my page as well. I'd love to know what you think -

  2. love, LOVE, love! Thanks so, so much friend. You are so creative and I appreciate the shout out. I love making fonts and I'm glad you could use that one for your creation, Cara;)
