Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fun Write! The Most Amazing Little Person!

It's Friday Fun Write Time!  If you're new to the linky fun, I'll choose a word.  You simply must write about it for five minutes tops!  How easy is that?  You can get a quick post knocked out of the park and feel like you accomplished a million for your blog;)  So lets roll with it baby...

And today's word is:

I've been thinking a lot lately about my life and my son in particular.  As you know, my son has Autism, more specifically, Asperger's Syndrome.  Having a Special Education Degree myself, I'm already accustomed to working with special needs kids.  But never in a million years did I imagine I would eventually have one myself.  No way would my child be disabled.

And along came my sweet little Garyn.

I know this is supposed to be a quick write, so I'll do my best!  Garyn was born prematurely at 7 1/2 months; he only weighed 4 pounds.  You can see in the top picture how little he really was.  He almost could fit in my one hand!
As he got older, I ALWAYS knew something was different about him.  Call it my Mommy intuition, but I just knew.  I could feel it in my heart; I wasn't sure what, but I knew it was something.
Then at about 4 years old, he started having problems in preschool.  He would have meltdowns (not knowing that's what it was) and "tantrums" as the teacher would call it.  I had no idea why or what was going on; I really thought that it was just ADHD or something.  Jump to a year later and he was finally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.  My life was forever changed.
I won't go into it right now, for the sake of this linky, but I just want to announce to the world that my son is AMAZING!  Despite his disability and hardships, he wakes up everyday with a smile on his face and in his heart.  He is the most caring child I've ever met in my 17 years of teaching and he's for sure broken the barrier of Aspies having social skill issues.  He does not have that hands down.  I just want to tell my Garyn that he is simply amazing and I would never, ever, trade him or his Asperger's for anything in the world.

Ok, now it's your turn!  Please take time to link up with your take on the word Amazing and I would be forever grateful!  Use the linky button below and link back to this post please!  And have a wonderful and AMAZING day!

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