Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Fun Write! The Most Amazing Little Person!

It's Friday Fun Write Time!  If you're new to the linky fun, I'll choose a word.  You simply must write about it for five minutes tops!  How easy is that?  You can get a quick post knocked out of the park and feel like you accomplished a million for your blog;)  So lets roll with it baby...

And today's word is:

I've been thinking a lot lately about my life and my son in particular.  As you know, my son has Autism, more specifically, Asperger's Syndrome.  Having a Special Education Degree myself, I'm already accustomed to working with special needs kids.  But never in a million years did I imagine I would eventually have one myself.  No way would my child be disabled.

And along came my sweet little Garyn.

I know this is supposed to be a quick write, so I'll do my best!  Garyn was born prematurely at 7 1/2 months; he only weighed 4 pounds.  You can see in the top picture how little he really was.  He almost could fit in my one hand!
As he got older, I ALWAYS knew something was different about him.  Call it my Mommy intuition, but I just knew.  I could feel it in my heart; I wasn't sure what, but I knew it was something.
Then at about 4 years old, he started having problems in preschool.  He would have meltdowns (not knowing that's what it was) and "tantrums" as the teacher would call it.  I had no idea why or what was going on; I really thought that it was just ADHD or something.  Jump to a year later and he was finally diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome.  My life was forever changed.
I won't go into it right now, for the sake of this linky, but I just want to announce to the world that my son is AMAZING!  Despite his disability and hardships, he wakes up everyday with a smile on his face and in his heart.  He is the most caring child I've ever met in my 17 years of teaching and he's for sure broken the barrier of Aspies having social skill issues.  He does not have that hands down.  I just want to tell my Garyn that he is simply amazing and I would never, ever, trade him or his Asperger's for anything in the world.

Ok, now it's your turn!  Please take time to link up with your take on the word Amazing and I would be forever grateful!  Use the linky button below and link back to this post please!  And have a wonderful and AMAZING day!

Friday, September 19, 2014

New Collaborative Blog Soon!

Hello friends!  I'm so glad to be with you today!  How has life been treating you?  I've been so busy it seems like with... life. period. Isn't it funny how sometimes we can get so caught up in what seems like everything, that it's too hard to just focus on one thing or another for just a minute?  That's what I feel like at this moment!  Do you ever feel that way?  Or am I alone on that one?

Today is Friday!  So that means it's time for...

Friday Fun Write is very fun and simple!  I will give you a word at random and think about it for a few minutes and just write!  Not for a long time, five minutes or so, and there you are!  You've gotten in a blog post for the day and you're done if you choose!  And with that I have some wonderful news to share with you, that I'm not sure if I'm even able to share yet.  So don't tell anyone I told you!  But some blogging friends and I are soon launching a new blog, called Ladies with Class! 

 So today's word is  

I'm so, so excited to be able to collaborate with my "ladies" that I just can't wait!  Right now, we're in the process of setting up the blog; I designed it and I'm so happy with what I came up with.  I don't want to spoil the surprise, so I'll just say it has a lot of glitter!  You know how I love my bling!
But back to today's word, collaborate.  I'm happy that I have the chance to collaborate with people that have some of the same goals, missions, passions, and loves, especially for education.  It's always nice to have someone in your corner to lean on when needed.  Especially someone that understands where you're coming from.  So to be able to collaborate on this blog with some ladies that feel a lot of the same ways that I do, is very meaningful to me.  I just can't wait to share with you when we'll be live with our new blog, "Ladies with Class"!

There's my Friday Fun Write for this week and I'd just LOVE for you to join up with me and participate in this linky.  All you need to do is write about the word for the week (collaborate) and what it means to you.  Then grab the button below, place it on your post and link it back here on Creative Playground.  Link up with the linky button below and your good to go!  Here's the link up button for you to use...
Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Fun Write and Thanksgiving Graphics!

TGIF to you and yours!  I'm happy to be blessed on this Friday morning and hope this reaches all of you in high spirits!  Last week was the first week of my Friday Linky Party:  Friday Fun Writes!
Here's how it works:
Ever have those days that you KNOW you need to post on your blog, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time?  Viola!  The Friday Fun Write!  Participating is easy... I will post a new word each Friday.  Think about the word for a few seconds and just start typing.  Continue with your thoughts to screen for 5 minutes and you're almost done!  Make sure to add the Friday Fun Write button to your post and link it back to this post on my blog.  Then sign up through the linky party button and you're all set!  A quick, easy way to get a post out there without taking too much effort and time!

Ok, here's today's word:

 I want you to look at your computer right now... If you're anything like me, you have about 3-5 tabs open of different things.  Activities, products, web sites, anything education and life.  Sound familiar?  I chose the word PRIORITY because some have asked me in the past how I do it all.  If you follow me on Teachers Pay Teachers especially, you know that I post a lot of products.  Currently I have over 400 products I think.  Too many to count!  How do I get all that done?  I have to prioritize what is important and what isn't and order it in that manner.  BUT, that is NOT easy for me!  I have to constantly remind myself to keep focused and finish what needs to be at that time.  Like for instance, currently I need to prioritize what I need to finish because I have about 4 different products going on right now:  Thanksgiving, Winter, Fire Safety, and Reading Comprehension.  Whoa!  Try to keep all that straight.  Let me tell you why I have so many going on at once... I get bored very easily.  And after an hour of Thanksgiving, I get bored and need to move onto something else.  So even though I have a gazillion tabs open on my computer, they are prioritized in my mind's computer by what needs to be finished first.  So that's my take on this week's word, priority.

See that wasn't too bad!  So think about the word and just type what comes to mind.  I'd so love for you to join in my link this week!  

Here's the button to include in your post:
One of the things I had to prioritize this week was a new graphic set, Thanksgiving Native Americans.  I so loved making this set, especially the Dream Catcher.  These will be half off in my TpT Store for the next 48 hours, so grab them quick here!
Here's a look at the 14 images included in the set (7 line art and 7 png):

Have a great weekend and don't forget to join in the linky party below!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Spookiest Halloween Fonts and Zombies, Too!

Ok, I admit it.  I'm a Halloween addict.  My birthday is on Hallow's Eve, so I guess I've been raised to obviously love Halloween! My favorite part of the holiday is being able to dress up.  So naturally, I love being a teacher during this time of the year!
I really love wearing wigs.  I'm not sure why...but I have purple ones, pumpkin ones, Frankenstein's Bride ones; you name it, I have it or have worn it.  The bigger the wig, the better!  What's funny is that my son's favorite holiday is Halloween too!  What can I say?  He's got great taste;)  So if you hear me talk about Halloween from now until then, that's why!

For example, today I have a bunch of FREE spooky Halloween fonts for you to try out!  Check these out...

I hope you enjoy these spooky fonts!  Just click on the links above to download them yourself.  They're perfect for candy toppers, activities, invitations and so, so much more.  I also got into the spirit by making my newest clip art set, Halloween Zombies!  Here's a look at my zombie cuties (can you call zombies cute?):

These are half-off for the next day and you can find them here!

Have a happy end to your week friends!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Fun Write! Linky Party

Ever have those moments when you know you NEED to post on your blog, but there just doesn't seem to be enough time?  Or you're having Brain Block and the ideas just aren't flowing?  Well, I have the perfect solution!  Introducing a new linky party,

Participating is easy!  I'll provide everyone with a word.  You think about the word and what it means to you off the top of your head.  Then you just write a blog post for 5 minutes only!  So the minimum to post is five minutes in length; feel free to write more if the word moves you.  But the purpose is to get a blog post up and posted in a short amount of time.

So here's this week's word:

Now that Summer Break is over for most of us in the US, school has started and a new year is just beginning.  That means having the ability to do what you want, when you want (specifically during the day time) is officially OVER.  You know what I'm referring to right?  Yes, BATHROOM BREAKS.  Bathroom breaks are a thing of the past for teachers, which the regular community just doesn't understand.  It's not like we can say, "Ok, five-year-olds, I'm going to the restroom.  Feel free to mingle around the room at your leisure.  But remember to stay quiet, in your seat, and under control."  
Yeah, RIGHT!  That'll never happen!  Even if you have a classroom of 5th Graders like me, you can't leave them for a second either.  And my bathroom is right next to my room.  Believe me, I've tried it.  And I could hear every he said/she said, don't touch me, you're stupid and I'm telling, right through the bathroom wall.  So don't think that just because the upper grade teachers have 10 and 11-year-olds that are mature (?), that we can leave them just for a second.
So my Friday Fun Write for the word BREAK, is Bathroom Break.  Don't know what one is, unless I'm leading the class for one.  As for myself, I have to hold-it until 12:30 pm or 3:50 pm.  And let's pray I don't have to REALLY use it, if you know what I mean!

See, that was easy-peasy and only took 5 minutes to write!  I hope this is something that you'll participate in and gain some exposure for your own blog.  Here is the linky button to put on your post, and please link it back to my blog at this post.
Have fun with this Friday Fun Write!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Kinder Math Journal & September Currently

Hello friends!  It's so nice to be able to share with you today; I have so many things going on my mind is in a whirlwind.  I feel like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (I just love my sequinned shoes...)
I've been working on and have finished a lot of cool products I'd love to share with you, but I don't want to overload you with them.  Don't you hate to read a blog and it's all about their products?  So when I started this blog, I promised myself that I wouldn't do that to my readers; if I post about a product, please know that I will keep it at a minimum because I know that's probably not why you're entirely here.
This morning I finished a fun product for Kinders and Firsties...a Math Journal!  I just loved creating it and hope others will love it too!
 Here are two pages from the 20-paged journal.  The pages have 2 word problems each, which can be done both together in one day or separately.  It's all up to you and how much time you might have during the day.  The journal does spiral with topics, ranging from counting, to patterns, to addition & subtraction. 

I'm going to make three editions, Fall, Winter, and Spring.  I'd love for you to check it out, while it's half off for the next 48 hours!  You can view it here.

Ok, now for September's Currently Link Up!  I'm joining in on the fun from Farley's Currently Party.  Here's what's currently on my mind...

Listening:  My Son Garyn is a Scooby-Do fanatic!  He loves everything Scooby and just got the new movie, Frankencreepy.  He's watched it about 6 times in two days and is not stopping his Scooby Marathon.  So I've been listening to that for the past hour or so.

Loving:  I was just thinking about how I love everything that is creative.  By that I mean, art, drawing, colors, new ideas, and everything that's artsy-fartsy.  I was so happy the other day when my Son created a masterpiece out of a few pieces of paper.  I wasn't happy with the creation really, but the fact that he was so creative in making it.  I really try to do that as a teacher also; I strive to bring out the creativity in my students because it really can be so beneficial for you in so many ways!

Thinking:  My Son has Asperger's Syndrome, a form of Autism.  Each week we travel about 50 miles from our home to attend his Music Therapy session.  If you've never heard of Music Therapy, I strongly urge you to look into it, especially if you have a special needs child or student in your life.  The basis of Music Therapy is that the therapists work on your child's IEPC goals (Special Education Goals) but they do it through music.  So for example, one of Garyn's goals on his IEP is for him to do better with the W Questions (when, where, why, etc.)  So in therapy, they are making up a song about my Son's life and putting it to music on a program on my Son's iPad.  Music Therapy is awesome, especially if you have a musically inclined child like my Son.

Wanting:  I'm so hungry right now.  I really want to go to Taco Bell (my fav restaurant) and order my usual...a Cheesy Roll-Up and add Beef.  Yummy!

Needing:  Lindsay, I still need to mail your SLANT box package.  I got bogged down and just need to package up your goodies and take it to the post office.  Thanks for being understanding friend!

3 Trips:  I would just LOVE to travel to Hawaii and Africa, just to see the sights and enjoy the heat.  I live in Michigan and HATE our Winters.  So anywhere with bright sun is a plus for me!  My Son is dying to go to Disney World, and we plan on traveling there next year.

Thanks friends for listening to me and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Your Friend,